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Is it Fiery Red, Cautious Yellow, or Growing Green?

You are responsible for people at work, and you are not sure how it’s going. Have you ever thought about the atmosphere of your business? What color is your company? I don’t mean how much pigment or shades of gray but what color is the culture of your company? Like a traffic light, is it red, yellow or green?

If it is red, well, you know first hand what the great resignation is doing to businesses. If it is red, there are sparks and fire all the time in the office between employees, between you and your workers and it’s so hot like a fire people are running away. Not many people run to a fire, unless, they’re the fireman. And workers are running from the red fire at work. The atmosphere is toxic. People are suffocating.

Red at a traffic signal also stands for STOP. Is your business at a dead stop? Do you need to change the color of your company culture?

Maybe things are not that bad, maybe your company is not red hot but maybe it is yellow.

Be cautious of that.

Because you do not know if people want to stay, or if they hear a good offer, they’ll go somewhere else, or be like the 4.5M people last year that just quit. Be cautious. Go slow and evaluate.

Good for you, you’re not in the red, but where do you want to be? And how can you get there? If you have driven a car or been in traffic, at this intersection you know that there is one more color, and it is green.

Green is the evidence of growth, like a fresh plant growing. If your company is green, you are alive, producing, being nurtured and fed. Green is the same color as MONEY. If you have a healthy, growing company, it will affect the bottom-line. You will see more production out of your employees, they will be motivated. There will be an atmosphere with oxygen to breathe and encouragement, and nutrients. Your team members are nurtured, they’re growing. If you are red, how can you (unless you just want to close the doors) move from red to yellow, or if you’re yellow to green?

It is by changing theculture of the company, and how can you do that? By implementing the 5-facet leadership strategy of CLAIM in your company that will build a community of belonging.

What color is YOUR workplace? Leave a comment and why you picked that color.


I am working on a book about creating a company culture that provides the belonging people desire and will counter the great resignation. Each post is a part of the potential book and your comments and feedback are of great value to the work. You are invited to subscribe to my CLAIM belonging newsletter to ensure you receive installments. See below post the link.

Do You Relate to Marcey?

A Story of the Struggle of Leadership

Marcey woke up one day and felt panicked. While six weeks ago she had enjoyed a sense of pride, on this morning she was disillusioned and afraid because the project she was given to manage had failed. She didn’t want to deal with her team members anymore. This was a particularly brutal feeling to experience on that particular morning because her project was being reviewed by the person who assigned her the position.

It was understandable that Marcey felt this way because working with team members with different skill levels and motivations makes bringing them together harder. Not only that, but given how there was so much tension caused by remote working, political unrest and a global pandemic, it seemed almost impossible that there was a way out of this mess, no way to get them to work together..

As Marcey finished washing off her face in the bathroom, she thought about a statistic she saw the previous day that made everything seem even more dire. She read that depression has tripled in adults since the pandemic and loneliness was on the rise.

This only made Marcey feel even more hopeless. As she waited for her leftover coffee to finish heating up in the microwave, she opened up the Amazon app on her phone to check the status of something that was supposed to arrive that day. And that’s when she saw an ad for C.L.A.I.M. Your Team: A 5-Facet Leadership Strategy to Build Community”

There are many leaders like Marcey who are responsible for teams of people and struggle with leading members to work together in community and get the job done. And what many project managers often do to overcome this issue is focus on the project, its timeline, and the expectations. In a sense, this becomes an epic failure, for this approach just doesn’t work because the answer lies on a deeper level, with the people.

But what can a team leader do instead? If focusing on the project is flawed because the answer is deeper, then project managers can overcome frustration and get the project done on time and in budget if they focus on the team. Project management is not managing a project, instead it is managing people. And in C.L.A.I.M. Your Team: A 5-Facet Leadership Strategy to Build Community, readers will learn how to have team members work together more efficiently, skillfully, and amicably in a way they never have before.

What do you think?

Are you a leader with these struggles? Are you being led by someone who appears to have these struggles? Are you curious about what the 5-facet Leadership Strategy is? Future posts will explain more about it.

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“In a sea of humanity.. 

..belonging is a shore of security, love and identity

— Dea Irby

© 2022 Dea Irby |  All Rights Reserved 

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